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Course Descritpion

In this section of English 101 with the help of Zeus and other Olympian gods I will explore the theme of masculinity through close reading, critical thinking, class discussions, and a variety of writing assignments such as analytical, comparative and persuasive...


"Although we often described men as masculine, we do not consider all men equally masculine. In other words, in United States, generally masculinity is associated with strength, power, and courage but also with violence, sexism and close-mindedness. The depictios of men we see in politics, entertainment and sports often promote as well as reinforce these standards of masculinity. What we will investigate in this course is the notion of masculinity as an abstract concept rather than a fixed category. By closely reading and discussing a selection of readings, we will consider masculinity in relation to media, race, work, fatherhood, and relationships. Our objective is to see whether there are in fact numerous masculinities rather than just one masculinity." - Class Syllabus

Friday, September 24, 2010

Quick Write in response to Bordo's chapter

Quick Write: Choose one of the three quotes from Susan Bordo’s “beauty (re)discovers the make body,” interpret it and show how it applies to advertisement you are analyzing.

2.)    “Male grooming products too are often marketed by way of “action hero” euphemisms which obscure their relation to feminine versions of the same product (a male girdle marketed by BodySlimmers is called the Double Agent Boxer) and the fact that their function is to enhance a man’s appearance: hair spray as “hair control,” exfoliating liquid as “scruffing lotion,” astringents as “scrubs,” moisturizers and fragrances as “after”  or ‘pre’ accompaniments to that most manly of rituals, the shave”(Bordo 196).

My Ad:
Female Girgio Armani perfume ad:

My Response:
I agree with Bordo statments from the quote above that yes in ads that are even selling similar products and by the same brand , there are differences if its for men or for women. Take for example my chosen ad from girogio armani and a female ad from teh same brand both selling perfume. In the womens ad there is the presence of a calm ocean and floral accents arounds the photo. Where is my a depicting the male model there is the photo of the raging ocean and he has a simple black and white background behind him.

I also agree with Bordo that yes for the mens ad his smooth shaven apperance can reflect the ideaology that the perfume for men is to enchance him after the ritual of shaving. I cant say I can make that same type of connection with the womens ad but maybe thats because i am a man.

Something I also come to notice about this and other male perfume ads that they are remarkable simple compared to female ads. Like in this one for the most part the majority of the ad concerning the model is black and white and thats hwo it appears in the maagzine. The part with the ocean is displayed on the next page which in itself is a little different. Supplying color , a different visual effect, and having a scent sample. For the womens ad there is color throughout the whole things and her image is apart of the water ocean background.

Also have come to notice that perfume is not openly used to describe perfume by this ad nor is the term cologne. On the ad itself neither word is used at all. But online where both products are sold they use the unisex title of fragrance which maybe be something in itself.


  1. Great observations and very nice analysis which by far exceeds the requirements of this assignment. You raise several interesing points I have never even thought about. One I particularly like is the idea that ads for men are much simpler than those for women. Super. Do you think advertisers do this because of the ad that men are supposed to be simple and rational, while women are complicated? The motif of the water, and how it is gendered in the ads is also a great observations. Keep up the great work.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hmm I do think advertisers may make male ads simpler than women ads because of the mental charateristics of the different sexes especially as it relates to them being consumers. A man consumer insticts are direct and rational while woman are a little more irrational when it comes to there shopping nature. Thus creating the differences between ads for men and women.

    I will do my best to keep up the pace I have created for myself this semester in English 101.
