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Course Descritpion

In this section of English 101 with the help of Zeus and other Olympian gods I will explore the theme of masculinity through close reading, critical thinking, class discussions, and a variety of writing assignments such as analytical, comparative and persuasive...


"Although we often described men as masculine, we do not consider all men equally masculine. In other words, in United States, generally masculinity is associated with strength, power, and courage but also with violence, sexism and close-mindedness. The depictios of men we see in politics, entertainment and sports often promote as well as reinforce these standards of masculinity. What we will investigate in this course is the notion of masculinity as an abstract concept rather than a fixed category. By closely reading and discussing a selection of readings, we will consider masculinity in relation to media, race, work, fatherhood, and relationships. Our objective is to see whether there are in fact numerous masculinities rather than just one masculinity." - Class Syllabus

Friday, September 24, 2010

Formal Outline

Preliminary Thesis:
Giorgio Armani's new Aqua Di Gio fragrance advertisement brings new light to the growing topic of whether or not there are now more than one acceptable form of masculinity in our society today by bringing to life a form of masculinity of their own making.

1st Supporting Point: The model in the ad brings to question different labels from a reading by Susna Bordo that emplies that advertiser use different types of looks to portray different kinds of masculinity such as "the rock", "leaners", and the gilmore face-off.
Example: The model in my ad in my opinion portrays the more traditional "the rock" masculine portrayl while giving small hints of "leaner" and the gilmore face-off. Supporting the concept that Armani is creating a new design of masculinity for there brand.
Further Detail: The model appears strong and stone-like do to it being a black and white photo.
Further Detail: He is not standing up straight but slightly leaning in his pose but still providing a very intense look through his facial expression.
Analysis: By combining these three different portrayls into one ad using one model I feel Armani has succesful depicited a new form of masculinity that relates to our traditional views of men but also gives us a taste of new afe ideas about men and how they can be seen.

2nd Supporting Point: The ad provided by Armani in a GQ magazine is double-sided showing where the advertiser is using multiple strategies inorder to reach the viewer and making sure the viewer becomes connected to advertisment and the product.
Further Detail: The first page of the ad is simple and its main point of focus is the model and the product & brand second. The first page with the model is black and white providing this stone-like cold vibe. Providing a very intense ad focusing on the facial expression and the product name. Armani definitly strategized make this page life-less because the second page becomes its counterpart, creating a complete visual creation.
Further Detail: The seond page of the ad supplies a color background of a trashing wave now bring the advertisment to life. On this page of the ad you can now also smell a scent sample that is not placed on the first page. So now you can connect the fragrance to an environment you can visually see.
Analysis: The ad comes full circle being double sided by not only supplying a depiction of a man that men want to be like or for women a man you want to recreate with your own male counterpart, but also providing a image of an enviornment to connect to the fragrence they are trying to sell.

3rd Supporting Point: The advertisment from Armani is an advertisment for a fragrance which also raises debate about whether or not there are double standard for men and women through advertisments for similar products.
Example: The fragrence ad I have chosen also has a female counterpart advertisment. It is not in the GQ magazine because its a mens magazine but both ads are advertised on the Girogio Armani Website. They both sell a fragrence and its expected for them to be entirely different but they do share similarities supporting the concept that Armani is creating a masculinity of its own that can even be similar to feminine ads in ways.
Further Detail: Both ads for Armani scents supply imagery of the ocean but they are different. Both ads also focus on the models face and there facial expression but there facial expressions are different. The way the ads are made up and some of the things included on the ads like background, scenery, coloration, and the design of the fragrance bottles are different. So overall the ads share basic similarities but carry little differences depending on the intended sex of the products concumer.
Further Detail:In Bordos reading she discusses that mens advertisments both  sell similar products but mans ads are made up in a way to recreat feminine charateristics in a masculine way. I feel my ad does take some characteristics normally found in female ads but changes them to appeal to views of masculinity. For example in the female version of my ad the model face is the main focus but her eyes are colored and she doesnt display the same kind of intensity that is displayed in my male ad.
Analysis: Even though in todays society men and women are now using similar products my ad shows that they are still gonna be some differences to make sure that the products portrayl is masculine and not feminine even if a few basic feminine charaterictics found in female ads are used in its format.


  1. i like the way you make your comparisons in relations to how man and woman are viewed in society

  2. Great thesis but specify what type of masculinity is portrayed in the ad. The first supporting point is wonderfully developed, and it effectively incorporated interpretation of the ad and the Bordo reading; the combination of the three male poses is like a formula for masculinity which the Armani scent is based on. The second point about the two sides to the ad is interesting. Think about connecting it to the masculinity type you are reading in this ad. In other words, if the scent bring the man in the ad to life, what does it say about men who do not own the fragrance? I like the idea of using the female version of the ad to illustrate the difference between how each ad is gendered. But if you follow this outline, you will probably have to incorporate this idea into your introduction. On the other hand, you may have enough information just in the male ad alone to complete this assignment.

  3. This is one good looking blog! I am looking forward to seeing what you write here.

  4. Hey Jason-- looking forward to following your exploits this semester. Also, I left a thought on your Aristotle post.

  5. You establish some great point in your outline. I found this to be very informational. keep up the good work looking forward to reading the final draft.

  6. To: Dr. C. Jason Smith

    Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog, i hope my future post will continue to keep you interested.

  7. To: Miss B

    Thanks for the advice on my outline, I will take it into consideration as I construct my first draft.

  8. To: Doctor X

    Thanks for taking an interest in my blog. I will take a look at your comment on my Aristotle post and respond asap.

  9. Hi, I really think it is a nice organize about masculinity. Your topic is very interesting because it let us create and observe the men's image in a different way to the women.
